Friday, November 5, 2010

A pig can climb too if he's praised!

Finally an update after all these months.

Meet the Odate Buta from Yattaman

It's a gift for my brother, we loved that show when we were kids - we still do actually!

The palm is scratch-built as the model came with a different kind of pole. Since it was supposed to be a sort of toy palm I figured I didn't have to make it too realistic looking.

It was very fun to make this lil pig, I only wish I had some proper time to work on it and make it better, as in more than a few hours, and to set up a proper photo setting. Not my best work, but one of the most enjoyable. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

And in its new home, a little dusty from the trip:


  1. lool! the ape-pig with the ribbon is funny xD
    as usually, perfect colouration, you're the best >_<
    how's everything else doing? hope fine!!!


  2. Hi Honey! I saw your comment just now, sorry!
    Thanks for your words, you are just too sweet.
    Let's say everything is in the norm: it could be better but it could be worse too so I'm not complaining.
    How about you?

  3. everything fine.. a bit stressed but ok...
    you have to let me know by mail how the researches are going.. I sent you one some weeks ago but don't know if it ever arrived o.O
    hope the weather's still ok there ^^

  4. Ily,ma sei bravissima.
    Sì,lo sapevo già che lo eri,ma sai che conoscendoti da questa altra angolatura,ti trovo straordinariamente più brava.
    Mi piacciono moltissimo le tue creazioni e se riprendessi,su questa strada o meglio l'affiancassi nuovamente a quella che hai intrapreso e mi ha permesso di conoscerti?
    Il commento lo faccio sotto la scultura con il maialino,ma è uguale per tutte:tanto di cappello,guagliuncè e quanto mi piacerebbe vedere schiattare tante personcine che conosciamo facendoti conoscere attraverso questo tuo lato nascosto ^__^
    Scherzi a parte:sono fiera di essere tua amica,anche se per ora solo virtualmente,e non solo per quello che sei in grado di realizzare.

    1. Ma grazie Clà, che belle parole.
      Solo mi rimane il dubbio su chi vorresti vedere schiattare... ho dei nemici su Feisbuc che non conoscevo? :D
      Smakkete anche a te! ♥


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